Rosemont Wellness Center

Yoga & Sound Healing for the Spring Equinox
with Sri Devi Melissa Urey

March 23 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

Rosemont Wellness Center Studio

Sunday, March 23 10am-11:30am
Investment $35

The energy of spring brings new life, stirring tiny seedlings of intention planted deep in the cosmic womb.
Join Śri for a practice embracing this powerful energy of nourishment and manifestation that Mother Earth is readily supplying as the seasons shift.

This workshop will include:
* a guided meditation and intention setting ritual for spring
* gentle yoga and breathwork focused on releasing stagnant energy from winter and inviting a fresh flow of energy throughout the system
* crystal bowl sound bath while relaxing in restorative postures

**Registration in this workshop is transferable to another person but non-refundable.**


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